Old Naples Concierge Medicine
At Old Naples Concierge Medicine, we aim to be your partner on a proactive and personal healthcare journey.
Stephen Karem, MD is now accepting patients. Please contact us to discuss getting care from our doctors in Naples, FL.
What to Expect When Working With Our Team
As a patient you will receive you physicians cell phone number for emergencies and email for non-urgent communication. You are guaranteed an office visit for urgent needs within 24-48 business hours. Labs are drawn in office.
From the first wellness exam onward, our doctors personalize your experience based on your health history and long term health goals. Because Cardiovascular Disease is the leading cause of death for women and men in the US, we do advanced cholesterol and diabetes testing annually.
Regardless of whether your consulting physicians are in Naples or somewhere else in the U.S., our team will help facilitate your care.
With limited patient enrollments, our doctors have more time to spend with each patient. We work to ensure the best experience for every patient. Both physicians work with hospitalists and see their hospitalized patients regularly when they are at NCH.